Sanofi-Aventis sent out two press releases on Friday afternoon, one announcing that it was submitting updated safety data on its blighted rimonabant (approved last year in Europe as Acomplia) to the European authorities, and the other to say that it’s withdrawing its US NDA for the drug.
Neither is particularly surprising. Of course EMEA is “reviewing the available data on psychiatric events” associated with the drug. There are 200,000 patients in Europe taking a compound that 14 US experts unanimously judged unfit for approval in an advisory committee vote earlier in June. (An outcome which, as my colleague argues this month in The RPM Report, wasn’t particularly surprising either.)
Judging from the Q&A session on the conference call—held at 6pm Paris time, about an hour after we received the press releases, but nevertheless caught by more analysts and journalists than Sanofi probably expected--there’s still some confusion over data. A meta-analysis of trial data studied by FDA advisors showed up some rather different results when it came to suicidality rates than those submitted in Sanofi-Aventis’ original package. “We disagree with the FDA analysis,” noted Marc Cluzel, SVP Science and Medical Affairs, on the call.
Still, the company has withdrawn its NDA filing, since, it feels, there wasn’t enough time to discuss with FDA the various points raised by the advisory committee before the July 26th PDUFA date.
Is it an admission of defeat? Not a bit, said the Sanofi SVPs. “We feel it’s our duty to try to allow US patients to benefit from such a drug. Unfortunately though there’s a misunderstanding” over its risk-benefit profile, the executives said.
Indeed there is. Sanofi still thinks it can get the drug approved for a subset of obese patients, those with various co-morbidities. It’s still downplaying the depression issue. Indeed, “we found that in animals models rimonabant even had anti-depressant activity,” noted Cluzel.
Nice try. But if rimonabant, a cannabinoid receptor antagonist, works by reversing the "munchies" effect associated with taking cannabis, it seems logical—quite apart from whoever’s data interpretation you believe--that it could also reverse the mood-enhancing effects, too. Either way, it’s clear that no one yet understands the cannabinoid system sufficiently well to be entirely sure. And that’s not a good situation to be in given today’s super-safety-conscious FDA. Indeed, as Cluzel acknowledged in the call, most of the key rimonabant trials "were done between 2001 and 2004, before Vioxx."
Though not impressed by Sanofi-Aventis’ Friday night trick, if that's what it was, IN VIVO Blog can only commend the company for keeping its chin up, publicly at least. Remember colorectal cancer drug oxaliplatin (Eloxatin), Cluzel pointed out: it got turned down in 1999 by an advisory committee, due to unconvincing data on survival benefit, but later, post re-submission, received one of the fastest approvals ever.
That was three years later, though. Rimonabant may yet arrive in the US, for some patient groups, but it won’t be in the second half of this year. Even data from the long-term Crescendo trial investigating the drug’s impact on cardiovascular events, due to report in 2010, may not do it--some advisory panel members said none of the ongoing trials of rimonabant are designed to provide sufficient clarity over adverse events. Much later than that (the drug’s key patent expires in Europe in 2019) and Sanofi-Aventis might just be moving straight onto its two back-up compounds.
Meantime, keep an eye out for a shopping bag marked ‘Bristol-Myers Squibb’.
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