Friday, July 18, 2008

County Council Could Have Multiple Referendums On Novembers Ballot

Allegheny County may see multiple referendum questions on this years ballot all revolving around the same issue, the port authority and the controversial drink and car rental taxes county council's committee on government reform has approved two bills that would put referendums on the November ballot. One calls for the reduction of the drink tax from 10% to .5%, and the car rental tax to be reduced from $2 dollars to 50 cents a day. The second bill sponsored by councilman Chuck McCullough calls for the elimination of the port authority, and the privatization of mass transit. McCullough says that move would bring much revenue to the county because the current land owned by the port authority is worth $1 billion and is not taxable, but would be if privatized. Council president Rich Fitzgerald is also proposing a bill that would require a raise in property taxes as a result of any reduction in the drink and car rental taxes. Council will discuss those bills during a special meeting Tuesday.

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