Monday, February 23, 2009

Specter Stands by Vote

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter says he's not sure whether the recently passed federal stimulus package will lead to economic recovery, but he's confident it's worth trying. Specter says he knows nearly all of his Republican colleagues in Congress were skeptical of the stimulus, but he has serious concerns about the country's economy. He says he'll stand by his "yes" vote, even if it costs him a Senate seat or invites a primary challenge. At a recent public appearance Specter acknowledged that it's tough to tell whether President Obama's $787 billion bet will pay off. He says, “I'm asked if this stimulus package is going to work, and I give a candid answer. As I said before, economics is not a science. But I do know that if we did not have the stimulus package, things would get a lot worse and the economy would fade into a depression.” The White House says the stimulus will create or save 143-thousand jobs in Pennsylvania. Specter says he thinks that figure is accurate.

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