Monday, December 7, 2009

Landmarks Still Interested in Hill Grocery

Now that Pittsburgh based Kuhn’s Market has pulled its offer to build a grocery store in the Hill District, Landmarks Community Capital Corporation CEO Howard Slaughter says he is reviving the effort to bring Save-A-Lot into the community. Slaughter and the St. Louis based grocer offered to build a store in the Hill but were rejected by the community because they did not offer to build a so-called full-service store. Hill District community leaders lobbied to have services such as a deli, bakery and a dry cleaner in the store, which Kuhn’s was offering but Save-A-Lot was not. At the time Save-A-Lot officials said they did not run that type of store. Slaughter says he is hoping to bring all the parties back to the table to work on a new deal. The Pittsburgh Urban Redevelopment Authority had offered to pump $1 million into the deal and the Penguins had pledged to do the same. Slaughter says he has not spoken to the Penguins but he believes the URA offer is still on the table. Landmarks wants to act quickly to make sure that money does not evaporate. Slaughter says he will work to overcome community resistance by arguing that all the other offers have fallen through and the need for a grocer store is still unfilled. He says in the long run not having a full service store could help the community because it will open the door to minority entrepreneurs who may want to open a cleaner or a bakery near by. Slaughter hopes to pursue that option if a deal is reached with Save-A-Lot.

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