There's a lot more support from home state Republicans for a Bobby Jindal 2012 run in Louisiana than we found for Jim DeMint in South Carolina a couple weeks ago.
48% of Republican primary voters in Louisiana would like to see Jindal make a bid for the White House, while only 24% in South Carolina expressed the same sentiment when it came to their home state Senator the last time we surveyed there. When included in the field of possible GOP candidates along with Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and Mitt Romney Jindal pulls 44% in Louisiana compared to just a 21% showing for DeMint on a similar South Carolina poll. Having strong home state backing isn't a requirement for running for President but it certainly says something about your ability to resonate with voters and Jindal's doing pretty well on that front.
Taking Jindal out of the mix this week's round of GOP 2012 polling in Illinois and Louisiana is most positive for Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee. Huckabee is tied for the lead in both states, at 24% with Gingrich in Louisiana and at 25% with Romney in Illinois. In addition to tying for the lead in Louisiana Gingrich also finishes just 2 points out of first place in Illinois.
Romney fares well in Illinois but finishes a distant 4th in Louisiana. Palin finishes just a point ahead in Louisiana but finishes a distant 4th in Illinois. The bottom line, as we have found repeatedly, is that these candidates are closely bunched together and there's no favorite. And that could allow someone like Jindal to rise from the pack.
Full results here
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