Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6 Fabulous Healthy Eating Tips

If you go about these tips for healthy eating with an open mind, they will require little effort from you. If you want to be healthy, you must make some changes in your lifestyle. If you want the changes to really work, you need to be open to change and not feel afraid of it.

Here are simple tips for healthy eating that you can start using in your life today:

1. Eating healthy is only one part of the picture, you have to do some exercise also. Getting exercise does not have to mean working out for hours on end. You can add exercise to your daily routine by using the stairs whenever possible, going for a walk or bike ride with your partner and even parking way in the back of your work parking lot and walking in. You can't get healthy eating benefits if you don't do some exercise.

2. Add some vegs like your preferred vegs to your meals. You can prepare leafy greens in many different ways and they can actually fill you up! One way you might try to prepare leafy greens is to saute them in some olive oil and some seasonings. This is very fast to fix, is nutritious and you will not need any more food for a few hours after eating it. There are many healthy Mediterranean recipes with greens.

3. Try to see things in a positive light. The way you think about your healthy changes has a big influence on if you keep up with them. You should use these tips for eating healthy because you want to be healthy, not because you think it is what you have to do. It is all about your attitude and having an open mind to new ways and new diets. You should concentrate on all the rewards you will get from keeping up withthese tips for healthy eating.

4. It will take a little time to see and notice the changes. You will have to stick to your diet for some weeks before you start looking and feeling better so don't expect instant gratification. If you start thinking about how long it is taking to see the results of incorporating these tips for healthy eating, then you will just get disheartened.

5. Be like your admired TV chefs and use cold-pressed olive oil in your cooking. Olive oil of the best quality is used by many five-star chefs because it is very healthy and more health-promoting compared to other oils you can purchase. You remember that extra virgin olive oil is not meant to be heated to extreme temperatures during cooking. It is not necessary, and could have a negative impact on how your food tastes if it gets too hot. Also, you can add spices in moderation to your cooking. Many spices have health benefits like adding antioxidants to your diet. Try a little cumin, cayenne, turmeric or cardamom in your daily meals. Using these spices can increase your metabolism.

6. Do your best not to drink alcohol in excess. Having too much alcohol is very unhealthy. Besides|On top of that, it will increase the odds of you engaging in other unhealthy habits when under the influence of alcohol. If you drink too much, you will easily eat foods you know you should not.

Next, if you would like many more healthy eating tips, menu ideas, meal planning and lots of Mediterranean diet recipes, go to today. Many think that the Mediterranean diet is the best eating plan for keeping healthy and slim.

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