Hopefully if you are reading this you are in the market for chickens and are planning on having a chicken coop or already have one in your yard. Chickens make amazing pets and will lay you fresh eggs every week. They will also eat bugs and pests which may cause harm to your yard and garden. So not only are they very friendly pets, they also will help around the yard! I have come up with a list of some of the better breeds to look into when deciding what kinds to buy. This is not a complete list, but should get you on your way to narrowing your choices down.
Australorps make great pets and lay brown eggs. They are known for being extremely friendly and can be picked up, these are great chickens if you have kids. These are usually brown or black chickens.
The Mille Fleur is the most popular chicken breed. They do very well as pets and are small birds, called bantam birds. The roosters in this breed can also be friendly sometimes. Another thing that makes these fun birds to have is that they are very colorful.
Plymouth Rock chickens lay brown eggs and are very friendly chickens, which make great pets. Barred Rock hens are the most common of this breed and have white and black striped feathers.
The next breed that are both great for laying eggs and as pets are the Rhode Island Reds and Whites. You should try to stay clear of the roosters in his breed though, as they can be pretty aggressive. These birds can handle most weather conditions without a complaint. This is probably the most famous chicken breed in the world and lays more eggs than almost any other chicken at about 260 a year.
The Wyandotte is a very nice looking bird and makes a great pet. They lay brown eggs. Some are not as friendly as others, but for the most part they get along well with people.
The Japanese Bantam is a smaller bird but has a large tail that points towards the sky. They are very cute birds, but don't lay many eggs. If egg production isn't your main concern I would look into this wonderful bird as it makes a great pet.
This list was not supposed to tell you the only breeds of chickens to buy, but hopefully gave you a start in narrowing down your search of which breeds you think will be best for your yard and family. Chickens are a ton of fun to have in your yard and garden and make great pets for the family while providing you with fresh eggs. I hope you enjoy having chickens as pets as much as I do. Good luck finding your perfect chickens!
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