Go Phils!
IN VIVO Blog took in the Phillies-Giants game at Citizens Bank Park in Philly on Sunday. Hopefully our readers had better weather (though the game was excellent!). A few tidbits from the weekend ...
- It seems like Dr. John Buse's Congressional testimony on Wednesday will sure be interesting. The American Diabetes Association president-elect issued a statement on Friday (perhaps in an attempt to avoid mis-quotes), intended to be his only public communication until the testimony, that addresses the notion that GSK tried to silence his criticism of Avandia's risks in the past. NYT has the story, and Buse's statement.
- ASCO ... ASCO, ASCO. Have you heard, there's an oncology conference in Chicago? Lots of news from Pfizer, GSK, BMS and the rest. Covered well over at the WSJ's Health Blog.
- Wouldn't it be NICE? J&J has made the UK's National Institue for Clinical Excellence an offer it would be tough to refuse: the drugmaker will cover the cost of Velcade for patients who don't respond. The NIH would only pay when patients did well on the drug. Of course the details need to be ironed out. Full story at the FT. Hat tip Pharmalot.
- Insider at Pharmagossip highlights Big Pharma's latest new media problem: Youtube. He also directs us to this recent Simpsons excerpt: "Nappien activates your brain's napping centers, and attacks your body's awakegens."
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