Department of General Services Secretary James Creedon says reducing the amount of state-owned vehicles wouldn't necessarily save tax dollars.
Several candidates for office, including Attorney General Tom Corbett, have suggested reducing Pennsylvania's 16-thousand vehicle state fleet in order to trim expenses. Creedon says that figure includes trucks, off road vehicles, trailers and police cars.
He told members of the House Appropriations Committee the actual number of state-owned passenger cars used by commonwealth employees is a bit more than five thousand.
Committee Chairman Dwight Evans, a Democrat, then asked Creedon whether it would be feasible to trim that figure by twenty percent.
"Oh I can take twenty percent of vehicles away. That's not that difficult to do.
OK -
The issue is, is it going to cost more money or less than what you pay now.
That's the question. So, in other words, if you take away twenty percent, you're going to wind up paying some other way.
You're going to pay people mileage for their business usage."
Creedon says his department typically tries to provide state vehicles to commonwealth employees who drive more than 800 miles a month on business.
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