Since passage of the landmark FDA Amendments Act of 2007, the drug approval climate at FDA has improved steadily. To view The RPM Report’s analysis on the drug approval climate, click here
It appears one potential conclusion that can be drawn is that FDA’s comfort level with the postmarket control and monitoring tools given to them through FDAAA is adding confidence to approval decisions.
But the Avandia re-review could change all that. Whether FDA chooses to pull Avandia from the market, keep the drug on the market, suspend use temporarily or further restrict its use, the agency must ensure that it does one thing: make a credible decision. Any outcome deemed to be unsatisfactory by FDA stakeholders in Congress, and the experts they listen to, puts the improving drug approval momentum in real jeopardy.
Just to recall briefly: In May 2007, a meta-analysis by Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Steve Nissen published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Avandia (rosiglitazone) was associated with over a 40% increase in heart attack risk. The House Oversight & Government Reform Committee put together a hearing before FDA could respond to the study. In July 2007, FDA convened the Endocrinologic & Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee and the Drug Safety & Risk Management Advisory Committee to assess Avandia’s future.
The joint committee voted 20-3 that the drug increases cardiac ischemic risk but subsequently voted 22-1 against withdrawal of the TZD. The panel meeting surfaced an “internal disagreement” between the Office of New Drugs and Office of Surveillance & Epidemiology over whether to withdraw rosiglitazone over heart attack risks.
On October 2, 2007, FDA’s Drug Safety Oversight Board voted (8-7) to keep Avandia on the market. The non-public vote was questioned by ranking Senate Finance Committee Republican Charles Grassley (Iowa) due to the lack of transparency. On November 14, 2007, FDA issued a black-box warning for Avandia warning of heart attacks. GSK agreed to conduct a long-term postmarket safety trial of Avandia compared to competitor Takeda’s Actos to confirm a higher CV risk for rosiglitazone; the trial was named TIDE. The TIDE trial is expected to be complete in 2015.
The Senate Finance Committee released a major report on February 22 bringing to light internal emails and memos related to Avandia and heightened CV risks. On February 26, House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Rosa DeLauro (FDA’s chief appropriator) gave a detailed critique of GSK’s RECORD study, which the company maintains supports Avandia’s safety profile.
Now FDA is scheduled to hold another re-review of Avandia, likely July 13-14.
"Congresswoman DeLauro is looking forward to the advisory committee meeting and its findings,” a spokesperson for DeLauro says. “She believes that the TIDE trial is unethical and should be halted immediately, and has urged the FDA before to remove Avandia from the market until a truly independent, science-based advisory panel can evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug.”
DeLauro and her staff met with FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner Joshua Sharfstein and Assistant Commissioner for Legislation, and former staffer to Rep. John Dingell, Jeanne Ireland on May 20. The topic? “Drug safety.”
DeLauro isn’t the only one meeting with FDA leadership. Nissen recently met with FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and Sharfstein to make the case that the TIDE trial was unethical and that Avandia needed to be withdrawn.
The major threat to the approval environment and the current FDA review structure is that an outcome on Avandia that is viewed as lacking credibility will energize those who want to split the Center for Drug Evaluation & Research into two separate centers or offices. A split would still be a long-shot, but a possibility nonetheless.
“As far as the FDA’s organization, the Congresswoman believes that serious consideration should be given to creating two independent offices within FDA – one that would be responsible for reviewing drug applications, and another for post-market surveillance,” the DeLauro spokesperson says. “It is something she has been concerned with for awhile, and the Avandia case serves as a reminder of just how important it is to address this situation.”
Here are a few points to consider as the Avandia re-review approaches:
1) How many advisory committee members will be assembled? In July 2007, there were 23 panel members convened for the meeting. That is a large number of committee members, many of whom were given temporary voting status. The makeup of the committee will be equally important in terms of the balance between drug safety specialists and E&M committee panelists (to view the 2007 final roster, click here).
2) Will the full Actos safety data be presented? Our understanding is that FDA asked both GSK and Takeda for every shred of data related to Actos and have had the data for “months.” Whether or not those data are formally presented at the meeting will go to the heart of the credibility question whatever the committee and FDA decide to do with Avandia. The current buzz in Washington is that not all of the Actos data will be presented, but it is still too early to determine whether that will actually be the case in the end.
3) Will Nissen present? At the July 2007 meeting, Nissen did not make a formal presentation of his meta-analysis—the whole reason for the existence of the panel meeting—to the advisory committee. Instead, he sat in a chair along with the rest of the audience. Something similar happened with Sanjay Kaul, a Cardio-Renal Advisory Committee member who was barred from the advisory committee review of Eli Lilly’s anti-clotting drug prasugrel (to read The RPM Report story, click here).
4) Hamburg and Sharfstein have gone to great lengths to brand the Obama Administration’s FDA as a public health agency. The Avandia re-review represents the first major prescription drug safety, public health issue. How will they react? Hamburg has already gone to IoM for ethical and scientific guidance on postmarket studies (to read our analysis in The RPM Report, click here). Probably the best outcome for the drug industry at large would be a risk evaluation and mitigation strategies (REMS) program that controlled the use of Avandia, monitored patients on the drug, and provided FDA with valuable data on its cardiovascular risk profile. That result would validate the use of FDA’s drug safety authorities under FDAAA, hold together FDA’s current regulatory structure and keep the approval momentum going. But is that enough of a public health message for Hamburg and Sharfstein?
5) There are a number of important FDA officials who will be directly affected by the final decision on Avandia--maybe none more than the ones who will make that decision. Hamburg and Sharfstein will bear the brunt of public scrutiny around the decision. Perhaps no one will be under the microscope more than CDER Director Janet Woodcock, who concluded that Avandia should remain on the market in 2007 with stronger warnings. This is a major issue for FDA. Woodcock is held in high regard as a strong leader, effective manager, and there are few individuals at FDA who understand its operations—and runs them as efficiently—as Woodcock. While the FDA drug safety players are the same—Gerald Dal Pan and David Graham—the drug review management is different compared to 2007. In 2007, CDER Office of Drug Evaluation II Director Robert Meyer gave a public refutation of the conclusions drawn by Graham and Dal Pan that Avandia had to be withdrawn. Meyer is no longer at FDA and Curtis Rosebraugh is the current ODE II Director. However, Mary Parks was and remains the Division Director for Metabolic and Endocrine Drug Products. Both Rosebraugh and Parks will be important officials on the Avandia re-review. Lastly, CDER Deputy Director for Clinical Science Bob Temple will play a role in the Avandia decision but it is unclear exactly what kind and how big a role. Temple has presented publicly about FDA’s tough decision-making when it comes to taking a drug off the market.
There is still a lot of time before the advisory committee: much could change and there are sure to be surprises just as there were in 2007. But it would be an understatement to say there is a lot riding on Avandia.
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