Monday, June 14, 2010

The Monthly GOP Poll

For the fourth month in a row PPP's national look ahead to the 2012 Presidential contest finds Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee owning the top two spots, but Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich aren't too far behind.

Romney has 25% to 22% for Huckabee, 19% for Palin, and 15% for Gingrich. Ron Paul finishes further back with 6%.

As has been the case on all of these polls Palin is the most popular Republican, with 67% viewing her favorably. That popularity so far has not extended to support for President though. 58% have a positive opinion of Gingrich, 57% of Romney, and 53% of Huckabee.

Ron Paul's favorability with Republican primary voters, at 29/25, is actually worse than the 35/25 we found for him on our poll with independents. That's just more evidence that he might be a bigger player in the 2012 contest if he decided to run as a third party candidate than he would be staying as a GOP also ran.

Romney's lead is being fueled by a large advantage with senior citizens. Huckabee actually has the edge with voters under 65 but Romney's 29-16 lead over him with seniors puts him in the top spot overall. Huckabee leads in the South and the Midwest, while Romney has the advantage in the West and the Northeast.

The big takeaway, as it's been every month on this poll, is that the GOP race is wide open.

Full results here

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