Friday, July 1, 2011

Out Of Body Successfully Performed

At some point in time in your life, you have probably heard the term Out of Body. You may have heard it in a movie, it may have come up in a book you read or even in a conversation, you may have engaged in when speaking to a friend.

Relatively few people, though, comprehend that Out Of Body is a real event, and that everyone is capable of doing it. It is extremely likely that you have astral projected without even knowing it.

First though, what is out of body? To put it in the simplest possible terms, out of body is leaving your physical body. It's something that often happens when you go to sleep. As your body rests, your conscious mind does as well - but your subconscious remains active. This is when we are most likely to astral project, although most people do it without having any memory of the act.

In fact, many young children engage in Out of Body without understanding what they are doing. It can happen automatically if the body is relaxed, but many adults just feel that they are dreaming. But Out of Body is real! The astral body can travel without regard to either time or distance.

But what is your astral body? This is a duplicate of your physical body made of your subconscious will and desires. It is invisible to the eye and is tied to your body by a silver cord; so your astral body will always return after its travels.

The silver cord connects the two through your entire life; from the moment you first became aware of being alive until the moment you die. The connection is unbreakable as long as you still draw breath and your astral body will always return.

So where is it that your astral body travels to? Your astral body moves about in the astral plane, which is an ethereal duplicate of the universe familiar to you. There are different schools of thought about the nature of the astral plane, but there is general consensus that it is made up of many different layers.

Can astral travel be dangerous? The answer is both yes and no. If you exercise caution when astral projecting and decide beforehand where you want to travel to, then astral travel is safe as long as you are in the proper state of mind.

The greatest danger when astral projecting comes with the mind is not carefully prepared or under the influence of thought and perception, altering substances such as drugs or alcohol. There are a number of levels to the astral plane. The lower levels are not considered places to visit and are often considered to be unsafe. It is these levels that are easiest to access when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It is vital that you understand where you desire going and exactly what you are participating in. You need to strive on doing out of body using your conscious mind. Stay in total control as far as what task that the astral body is performing. Your thoughts and thinking processes are what keeps you in this kind of control.

If you take the time to get properly prepared ahead of time, you might find that you are able to astral project quite quickly. There are also many professionals in this field that teach different ways of helping a person gain the necessary control to have a better experience, though many people prefer to astral project alone, from the comfort of home.

There are also plenty of resources both online and in books which can help you to prepare yourself. Out of Body hypnosis recordings are an aid which many find helps them to relax and begin projecting. These recordings can be played on repeat until they reach your subconscious and you begin to astral project.

Something called binaural beats, a new audio recording technique have made it possible for many people to astral project. Two frequencies which are just slightly different are listened to, one in each year. The result is that your brainwaves tune to the proper frequency for astral projecting.

If you are unable to astral project at first, do not be concerned. It is something that requires practice to be able to do. It is important to remember that this is not actually an acquired skill but something that is already known to each person. They simply need to remember how to astral project and then to practice in order to obtain a level of proficiency.

Are you still skeptical about out of body? Let's talk about the times you've done it yourself then. Those dreams of flying which end with a sensation of falling right before you awake that we all have - those are not dreams at all! These are out of body experiences. The feeling of flight is your astral body traveling and the feeling of falling is your astral body returning to the physical plane.

Out Of Body is not imaginary; it is very real! Anyone can do it and experience its benefits if they only take some time to hone this natural ability.

More info can be found at the website. To get more information about astral projection experience. Get more information on meditation out of body. When you visit here and get your 29 FREE Audios and Ebooks.

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