In different instances, most women are currently debating on which one is the best to have? The Chanel lambskin? Or the Chanel caviar? From the different forums we have visited and reviewed, here are the different opinions of people who have the actual bag in their closet and have experienced it personally already.
Let us see what they have to say about the lambskin and the Chanel caviar. Let us see which one among them is the best.
For first time buyers, you might not know which one is more expensive. The lambskin is somehow similar to leather but with a very smooth touch. It also requires high maintenance because it is very delicate, so you really have to store them in a cool and dry place and make sure to cover them inside their dust bags and if you can, place a cloth inside as well to prevent the bag from folding. The lambskin is quite expensive than the Chanel caviar which is more durable and easy to maintain.
People who have both types of bags normally uses the lambskin for special occasions only like executive parties, weddings, business events and the like, while the other one is used for their every day work. In short, they save the lambskin for minimal usage maybe because the material is delicate and not suitable for prolonged use, while the other one can be used every day without worrying too much about it.
You can never go wrong with the softness of the lambskin that is why you can only use for selected events where you know that there won't be too much risk from scratching and tearing.
When it comes to the weight of the two types of bags, the lambskin is lighter than a Chanel caviar handbag or purse.
Actually, choosing between the two and selecting which one is best for you, really depends on how you are using your bag. If you think that you can manage having a delicate soft leather material bag such as the lambskin, and you can afford it, then you can go with that instead. But if you want to have a luxury bag that will surely be an envy of others which you can use all day without worrying of any damage that may happen with the slightest mishandling, then you can choose to get Chanel caviar instead.
You can find real cheap deals at: Chanel Caviar
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