Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Heavenly Experience - Astral Projection And Astral Travel Techniques

Everyone is born with the ability to perform astral projection. The only difference between people who do it often and the ones who do not is practice.

The art of astral projection is ancient in the same way as yoga or meditation and deserves respect. It is known by many different names and types. There are also various ways to accomplish astral projection.

One of these methods is lucid dreaming. You are probably already aware of what lucid dreaming is. This is when you are able to be conscious within your dream and take control of the experience. All it takes is being able to say 'I am dreaming' to yourself while in a dream.

When you do this you will wake up within your dream and you will be free to do what you want in the dream. For beginners this can be too random a practice to successfully astral project.

You need to know that astral projection is real. You should also know that you have astral projected already, you simply were not aware that is what had happened.

Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this - you were astral projecting.

All you need to do to get started is to know that you have the ability to astral project. Each and every one of us can do this; the next step is to begin clearing all of the doubts from your mind which can keep you from being able to astral project.

By practicing relaxation techniques including meditation, you can prepare yourself to astral project. Meditation is perhaps the most effective technique to prepare yourself to astral project. The important thing is finding a meditation technique which allows you to become completely relaxed.

You should do your meditation in a quiet room where you have a comfortable place to sit and will not be interrupted or distracted. Start freeing your mind of worry and tension. You can't astral project when you have these negative energies in your mind.

Begin to eliminate all thoughts from your mind and focus on your breathing. You want to take deep, slow breaths - in thorough your nose, out through your mouth. If you can remain focused on your breathing, you'll begin to feel yourself relaxing.

Keep focusing on your breathing - breathe out all of your stress. Focus only on talking deep breaths - in through the nose, out through the mouth.

The breaths you take should come from deep down inside. As your breathing slows down, focus more and more on relaxing your body.

The next step is to totally relax your body, starting from the ground up. Tense each part of the body then relax it, as you exhale to relax, repeat 'my toes are relaxing, and I am relaxing too.'

You will begin to feel heavy as if energy is escaping each area of your body, slowly slipping away. Once you are completely relaxed, it is time to move on to the next level of astral projection.

By now, you'll be so relaxed that you might be ready to doze off. However, you must not do this. Stay focused by repeating a phrase to yourself. You can repeat anything you want as your mantra. You could even use 'Dubuque, Iowa'. All that matters is that it works for you.

An inactive mind gets bored easily; you may find yourself drifting into some random thoughts. Do not allow this to happen. If this does happen then you will need to start over. You need to keep repeating the phrase you select to keep your mind from wandering.

To actually reach an altered state of consciousness, there are several methods. You can repeat your statement to reach this next level. Or you can use the body of light technique. This technique is where you see a body of light in your mind that you envision yourself turning into.

Three feelings you can expect to experience that will let you know that you have achieved astral projection are initially feeling as through your floating or moving. You will then see lights and colors even though your eyes are closed, this is believed to be your body moving into the astral world.

You will probably hear voices. These voices will warn you to stop or tell you to go ahead. You will know you have been successful in astral projection when you get to this stage.

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