Monday, June 27, 2011

Myths About Astral Projection

Generally speaking, the majority of people have at one point in their life heard the term 'astral projection.' This could've been from an enlightened friend, a book or a movie.

Relatively few people, though, comprehend that astral projection is a real event, and that everyone is capable of doing it. It is extremely likely that you have astral projected without even knowing it.

First we need to understand what astral projection really is. Simply put, astral projection is the ability a person has to leave their body. This is an ability that every person has, and that every person does when they go to sleep at night.

When you are asleep our physical mind is at rest and the subconscious mind takes over. When this happens that is when a person astral projects. Most people simply don't remember doing this.

You go wherever you want to go when you project. If you can recall your childhood you may be able to remember having the ability to do this after going to sleep, eventually you forgot, as you got older. There is no such thing as time and distance when it concerns astral projection, you can go anywhere. While you are sleeping, your physical body is asleep. Your astral body travels.

This brings up the next thing to talk about, what exactly the astral body is. The astral body actually is an invisible copy of your body, this is most commonly called the ethereal body. It is the center of our desires and feelings. Why is it that the astral body does not just leave and not return? Your astral body is actually connected to your physical body by a silver cord.

The silver cord is attached from the moment that the astral body and the physical body connect. It only detaches at the moment of death when the astral and physical body permanently disconnect from each other. It is this cord that recalls the astral body to the physical body.

Something else you may consider is where do you go when you astral project? Your astral body goes to the astral plane. It is the invisible double body of the Earth. Its vibration is much faster than that of the physical Earth while it does penetrate into the core of the Earth. Many define it as another dimension of reality. In addition, most agree that there are various levels of the astral plane.

Can astral travel be dangerous? The answer is both yes and no. If you exercise caution when astral projecting and decide beforehand where you want to travel to, then astral travel is safe as long as you are in the proper state of mind.

The danger in astral projection is when your mind is unsound. If you are under the influence of a controlled substance like drugs or alcohol, you could wind up in bad places. These places represent the lower levels of the astral plane.

You should know where you want to go and only astral project when you are in the proper frame of mind to do so. You want to have control over where your astral body goes and what it does.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process.

Numerous professionals are in business to teach you the techniques of how to astral project while being in control so that you can achieve a better projection experience, but most people like to be at home when the astral project.

There are a lot of helpful resources out there to help you learn astral projection. There are books and websites which contain useful information and recordings such as astral projection hypnosis recordings.

It will get you fully relaxed as well as going through the stages with you. The advantage of this rather than a professional session is that you can keep playing the recording several times until your subconscious mind gets the message that it is perfectly okay for you to leave your body.

In the field of sound technology there have been many improvements in the area of binaural beats. With this you listen to different sounds in each of your ears. This quickly gets you into the meditative state that is crucial for you to reach to do astral projection with the right results.

Don't fret if you are unsuccessful the first few times you astral project. It takes practice to accomplish this.

It is not an ability that you have to acquire, we are all capable of doing it, many have just forgotten how and need to fine tune the natural skill.

Do you still not believe in astral projection? Do you remember that last dream you had about falling or that you thought you were flying? Well the flying dreams are the astral body traveling around the astral planes. When you think you are dreaming of falling that is the astral body returning to your physical body.

The practice of astral projection is truly a real thing! Everybody is able to do it and get benefit from it, they just need to hone their natural skills.

For more details visit the website. To get more information about journeys out of the body. Get more information on the out of body experience. When you visit here and get twenty nine FREE audios and ebooks.

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