Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tips for How Men Can Look Great with Short Hair

Men can have a variety of hairstyles but short hair seems to be gaining in popularity. There are a few good reasons for this, such as less work to take care of your hair and not having to get it cut as often. Fortunately, there are a variety of styles to choose from so you don't have to settle for a boring or old fashioned look. The following short styles are among the most popular.

It is possible to see guys in their 20s or even 30s with the faux hawk cut. The faux hawk has the same basic style of the Mohawk, with the hair spiked on top, but unlike a true Mohawk, it’s not shaved off on the sides. While this particular hair style appeals to some men, perhaps they want to avoid the hassles of maintaining the clean shaven sides. You just do not see any variety of Mohawk like you did a long time ago, but it is an option if you want something different.

The shape of your face has to be considered when you choose your hairstyle. A good hair stylist knows this, of course, and should be able to give you a look that's right for your face and head. The final result will really only be known to the person who cuts your hair. One thing you can do is look at photos of models, or anyone in magazines, and match your facial features with theirs. Chances are good that you already have someone who regularly cuts your hair, so that is a plus.

A short, spikey style is a short hairstyle that gives you a modern and edgy look. This is a style where the hair stands up straight or going off in various directions. If you work in a conservative environment, this look which is popular among young rock stars and other celebrities, may not be appropriate. Not everyone's hair responds well to this style, but it could be an exciting new look for you if it does work. Short hair is the easiest way to keep it, as you know if you already have your hair styled short. But if you're used to longer hair but are thinking of trying a shorter style, there's nothing to worry about since you can always let it grow out if you don't like it. But after finding the right style, many men prefer to maintain it that way.

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