Thursday, February 26, 2009

PHEAA Head: Both Funding Plans Are Fine

The head of the state's top student loan agency says he's looked at the competing plans to increase college tuition aid in Pennsylvania and he doesn't have a preference. The Governor introduced one plan and the other was put forward by the Republicans. Republican Senator Jeffrey Piccola sits on PHEAA's board, and would route his 145-million dollar tuition grant program directly through the agency. Piccola says his proposal would extend college aide to 25-thousand additional students. The details on Rendell's plan haven't been worked out, but the Administration wants to provide tuition breaks to lower-income students at Pennsylvania's state-owned and community colleges. PHEAA CEO James Preston says he'd be happy with either proposal, and he says he'll let members of the General Assembly decide which one becomes law. Rendell would fund his plan by taxing video poker, while Piccola says he'd redirect existing state funds and eliminate tax breaks.

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